Hiking of Volcano Llaima (2 days)underline mini

Considered one of the most active volcanoes in South America, the magnificent Llaima with its 3,125 meters of altitude, is accessible up to the peak for all people that like hiking and nature. From the peak, one can view other volcanoes in the ‘Fire Belt’ of Araucanía, such as volcanoes Lonquimay, Tolhuaca, Sierra Nevada, Callaqui, Copahue, Villarrica, Lanín, Quetrupillán, and Coshuenco. To reach the peak of this giant is a great challenge for the mountaineers of the region especially at the end of summer, when the snow melts revealing rocks and glaciers making the hike a great personal challenge.

Sustainability & Level of Difficulty

altura-iconos-sustentables.fwContact with the Culture and People: turismo sustentable sostenible social cultural 1.fw
altura-iconos-sustentables.fwContact and Preservation of Nature: turismo sustentable sostenible medioambiental 5.fw
altura-iconos-sustentables.fwStimulation of the local Economy: turismo sustentable sostenible economico 1.fw
altura-iconos-sustentables.fwLevel of Difficulty: tour activity actividad excursion 2.fw

Departures Duration Minimum Passengers
every day with good weather;
03:00 hours
2 days in total
(33 hours of activity)
two people *


*All the activities are also available as private service as long as your group includes the minimum passengers. Please consult for the private fares.

