CulTour intercultural "Vive Nativa"underline mini

This intercultural Culture Mapuche from German-Chilean Mapuche colonies brings us to the Central Valley of the Araucanía to an agrotourism family business in Pitrufquen. After an hour and a half drive through some beautiful an changing scenery leaving from Pucón (20 minutes from the Araucanía Airport), we arrive at the farm of this family compounded of Mapuche and German colony descendants. They will give us a warm welcome and make us feel at home while bringing us to show us where they breed sheep and the other animals on their farm, going by their agricultural plantations and learning everything about this family business located on their 52 hectares. After greetings, we will walk through a beautiful native original forest and then, afterwards, we will take a path that goes to a beautiful ecological initiative to see how a native forest is reforested. We will listen to the stories about the place, the family history, and we will be connected to all of the magic and essence of the beautiful nature there. In the same forest, we will collect materials that we need for the Mapuche workshop that we will be doing later. Because the day will be dedicated to getting to know the life of the country and sharing with our hosts, we will have the house special for lunch: Lamb ‘a la Murta’, offered in a dining room inside of a windmill underneath the shadow of the "Ñgen" of the place (the tree that is the “spiritual owner” of the place). In the afternoon, we can choose between a Mapuche ceramic or loom wool workshop. In both cases, we will learn the form of local work and will be making our own memorabilia to bring back to our houses to always remember this day. Eventually the time to leave this wonderful place will come, but we will have the option to stay the night in a beautiful house in a tree or in a simple “nun-style” house so that we can enjoy the peaceful night underneath a mantle of stars, with a relaxing bath in some hot springs. Without a doubt, it will be an incredible unforgettable experience. With our CulTour Mapuche, we help constructing markets with identity and collaborate with the development of the economies of the indigenous towns within the Araucanía Region.

Sustainability & Level of Difficulty

altura-iconos-sustentables.fwContact with the Culture and People: turismo sustentable sostenible social cultural 4.fw
altura-iconos-sustentables.fwContact and Preservation of Nature: turismo sustentable sostenible medioambiental 3.fw
altura-iconos-sustentables.fwStimulation of the local Economy: turismo sustentable sostenible economico 3.fw
altura-iconos-sustentables.fwLevel of Difficulty: tour activity actividad excursion 2.fw

Departures Duration Minimum Passengers
every day;
09:00 hours
8-9 hours in total
(5-6 hours of activity)
four people *


*All the activities are also available as private service as long as your group includes the minimum passengers. Please consult for the private fares.

