CulTour Mapuche "Temu-ko Waria"underline mini

This sustainable tourism experience will bring us to walk around one of the most important places in the capital of the Araucanía region and to the most relevant ethnical group in the country: the Mapuche community. In our CulTour Mapuche “Temu-ko Waria”, we will go to the heart of the city of Temuco and walk until we get to the Estación neighborhood, which still has heritage buildings conserved from the early 1900s. We will walk to the Feria Pinto in a very colorful and picturesque area typical to the local culture. We will continue on to the Railroad Pablo Neruda Museum where we will learn about the life of this famous poet when he was young and living in Temuco. Later, we will have lunch in a place called Restaurant Zuni characterized by its flavors of the countryside, where a Mapuche woman will be awaiting us with a typical Chilean lunch. Later, we will head to the Natural Cerro Ñielol Monument, a unique wildlife area protected by the state located inside an urban area. We will walk along its pathways describing the species of typical flor and fauna. Afterwards, we will visit the Regional Museum of the Araucanía in Temuco, where we will get into the historical aspects of the time before the Spanish came. Then, we will move over to the Padre Las Casas commune where we will visit the Center of Mapuche Culture and an authentic "Ruka" (in Mapudungun: “house”), where the "ngen ruka" (in Mapudungun: owner of the house) will greet us in the Mapuche way in his native language. In the inside of the ruka, we will learn about its special distribution, the typical materials it is constructed of, and all of the elements that compose it such as utensils, tools, and crafts. We will hear accounts of the Mapuche worldviews that will give us a peek into this fascinating ancient cultural lifestyle, and also see the traditional instruments and taste the typical gastronomy thanks to a traditional Mapuche dinner in the Ruka. Depending on how much energy we have, we will conclude our visit by participating in a traditional Mapuche sport called Palin, a game similar to hockey. With our CulTour Mapuche, we help constructing markets with identity and collaborate with the development of the economies of the indigenous towns within the Araucanía Region.

Sustainability & Level of Difficulty

altura-iconos-sustentables.fwContact with the Culture and People: turismo sustentable sostenible social cultural 3.fw
altura-iconos-sustentables.fwContact and Preservation of Nature: turismo sustentable sostenible medioambiental 2.fw
altura-iconos-sustentables.fwStimulation of the local Economy: turismo sustentable sostenible economico 3.fw
altura-iconos-sustentables.fwLevel of Difficulty: tour activity actividad excursion 2.fw

Departures Duration Minimum Passengers
every day;
09:00 hours
8-9 hours in total
(5-6 hours of activity)
four people *


*All the activities are also available as private service as long as your group includes the minimum passengers. Please consult for the private fares.

