Visit Termas El Rincónunderline mini

Pucón is located in a belt of volcanic fire, which makes it a privileged destination full of mineral hot springs. From Pucón, we travel to the shores of Lake Villarrica in the direction towards the town with the same name. The way towards this neighboring city of Pucón is brief and continues south towards Lake Calafquén. We stop by the beaches of Lican Ray and Coñaripe to admire its beautiful water and volcanic sand before starting up a mountain road of 19 kilometers that brings us to Termas El Rincón, a new concept in hot springs, created to deliver magical and harmonious experiences. These thermal pools are located in a privileged place, in a place called Cajón Negro inside the “El Rincón Reserve”, a place that is wild, protected, and private. The Termas El Rincón consists of natural pools, with a beautiful waterfall, hot jars and a hydromassage pool.

Sustainability & Level of Difficulty

altura-iconos-sustentables.fwContact with the Culture and People: turismo sustentable sostenible social cultural 2.fw
altura-iconos-sustentables.fwContact and Preservation of Nature: turismo sustentable sostenible medioambiental 4.fw
altura-iconos-sustentables.fwStimulation of the local Economy: turismo sustentable sostenible economico 2.fw
altura-iconos-sustentables.fwLevel of Difficulty: tour activity actividad excursion 2.fw

Departures Duration Minimum Passengers
every day, consult for availability during holidays;
11:00 hours
7 hours in total
(4 hours of activity)
three people *


*All the activities are also available as private service as long as your group includes the minimum passengers. Please consult for the private fares.

